U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terrorist

That reminds me of a news item that ran a couple of months ago. An orthodox Jew was removed from a flight because he went into a religious chant that made the other passengers nervous.


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Fair enough, i say. Anyone can get kicked off a plane for making other passengers feel uncomfortable, so why not muslims?
Even though not every Muslim (or person of mideaster decent) is a terrorist after 9/11 EVERYONE should think before they do something in an airport or on a plane because people are jumpy :2 cents:
The Muslim terrorists have ruined it for the True Muslim, but im afraid you cant blame us other religious believers especially after 9/11 and London 7/7 bombings.


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Maybe when some white terrorists start attacking, opinions will change. But until then the belief will always be

"Not all muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim"


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Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

There are also thousands of white terrorists, from American abortion bombers, to the IRA, to ETA. And if you ask me, the Americn government and military (and all who assist them). They are all terrorists as far as I'm concerned.

Yeah but im talking about the ones that the americans are fearing right now. The ones that are hijacking and blowing up planes. Half of them can't be arsed to worry about IRA, or any other terrorist organisations.

And i know white and muslim are seperate things, but im trying to look at it from a naive Americans point of view...
U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terrorist

Well tell them to speak to the families of the victims of 9/11.:mad:

:thumbsup: Just like to congratulate Holland, as the Dutch Parliment have just banned Burkahs or whatever there called (Ninja Head Gear)from Woman on behalf of National Security.
I say one thing, go by the Countries Rules who are good enough to have you, or move back to your own Country.

Things will have to be adressed in the UK soon as well, because the British Government are to soft. I mean Muslims have marches and promote Terrorism walking on the streets of London, and all the Police can do is watch. We cant even kick them out of our Country because of Human Rights.
If a Christian from Britain was ta act like this our own Government would have us locked up, and it's our Country.:mad: :thefinger


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Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

I say one thing, go by the Countries Rules who are good enough to have you, or move back to your own Country.

Good point.

It's like after the attacks of september 11th, and the london bombings, some Muslims in my town were actually happy and braggin about it. How dare they. They can be like that in their own country, but not in someone elses.

It came back around though, I think i remember a few of them ended up being stabbed and killed. (And was anyone happy and bragging about them being killed? no)
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

some Muslims in my town were actually happy and braggin about it. How dare they. They can be like that in their own country, but not in someone elses.

Rethink that sentence for a minute...Islam is not a race...its a religion.....How many times!!!!!!!!!
I think the airline did a good job actually. I think that it's terrible that innocent people have been caught up in this, but the situation is what it is. To be perfectly honest, I don't think I'd get on a plane with them after seeing them praying. Call me naive if you will, but there has to be a certain level of caution, or paranoia, or whatever you want to call it. But we are going to politically correct ourselves to death, litterally, if we don't show some kind of caution.

I've also heard on the news that these men moved to unoccupied seats that were not their assigned seats, and would not move back to their seats when asked, the all had one way tickets, and none of them had any checked baggage. All of those things together, to me, gives reasonable suspiscion for the airline to do what they did.


Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

I think that it is more about social norms and public behavior.

I've been on a flight where a woman was having a panic attack. She was carrying on, and creating bizzare fantasies and scenarios, and would not sit still. I was jsut a few rows up, on the edge of her circle of influence, barely able to hear her. She was pissing me off. The staff was able to restrain her and even got her to take her Rx.

My point is that she was relatively out of control, not able to restrain or constrain her own behavior. Praying, chanting, while noble as those actions may be, are still, in in airplane filled with 100s of other people who cannot escape or retreat from the sounds, are form of harassment. Try having a screaming baby next to you - I see little difference.

If I were to go into a mosque for some reason, I don't think that I would belch, pass gas, tell off color jokes, laugh hysterically, or do anything in general that would upset the norms of the mosque. Just as you don't clap at a funeral, there is a basic ettiquette in any situation.

If these guys had to pray, there is no reason that it had to be in an audible manner or with exaggerated movements. Just as when I have to go to the bathroom, I don't do it in my seat, I exhibit, like everyone, a degree of control and respect. (And yes, I believe that they knew exactly what reaction their prayer would provoke.)
Agreed with BNF too. France banned the tchador/burkah in schools as well. Also some firms refuse to employ musilm women wearing the burkah/tchador. When you live in a country that is not your native country you have the forcefulness to obey its rules and respect its customs and habits fully and blindly. It is not the matter of religion or race, it is more the matter that some people who were welcomed have not a single parcel of respect for the country that has welcomed them as well as gave them food and shelter. In that case, I say send these irrespectful disruptive fucktards to their native country and ban them from your country for ever as well as retire them all the privilege they have.
As usual our friend Fox devilizes the US government and blames of all what happens. Perhaps that I should remember our friend Fox that he was given his citizenship by the GWB administration he hates so much but by his feelings he can't be considered as an American but as Unamerican. Instead of being so ungrateful Fox, show some gratefulness to the country who gave you your citizenship and quit whinning all the time seriously. Insulting the country who gave you your citizenship is far to be a sign of respect but something you should be ashamed of.
Terrorists are people who support FATAH, Hamas, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah and Al Aksah Martyr brigades.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

And if you ask me, the Americn government and military (and all who assist them). They are all terrorists as far as I'm concerned.

i guess i am a terrorist. after all, i pay taxes. i am assisting the american government.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

Wasn't it the naive Americans that killed all the native Americans? One letter missing, and the country changed so much.


no fox. they were not americans yet. they were fresh from europe.
Re: U.S. Muslims outraged after imams kicked off plane ["They were treated like terro

I think that it is more about social norms and public behavior.

I've been on a flight where a woman was having a panic attack. She was carrying on, and creating bizzare fantasies and scenarios, and would not sit still. I was jsut a few rows up, on the edge of her circle of influence, barely able to hear her. She was pissing me off. The staff was able to restrain her and even got her to take her Rx.

My point is that she was relatively out of control, not able to restrain or constrain her own behavior. Praying, chanting, while noble as those actions may be, are still, in in airplane filled with 100s of other people who cannot escape or retreat from the sounds, are form of harassment. Try having a screaming baby next to you - I see little difference.

If I were to go into a mosque for some reason, I don't think that I would belch, pass gas, tell off color jokes, laugh hysterically, or do anything in general that would upset the norms of the mosque. Just as you don't clap at a funeral, there is a basic ettiquette in any situation.

If these guys had to pray, there is no reason that it had to be in an audible manner or with exaggerated movements. Just as when I have to go to the bathroom, I don't do it in my seat, I exhibit, like everyone, a degree of control and respect. (And yes, I believe that they knew exactly what reaction their prayer would provoke.)

I agree - but from what I heard - they never made it on the flight - they were praying in the terminal and I dont think they were even at the gate...would that change things for you???

Maybe all airports should install special worship rooms - and smoking rooms like they used to!!!!
